Catholic Board approves a balanced budget for the 2024-25 School Year

Monday, July 29, 2024 (Brantford) – At a Special Meeting of the Board, the Trustees of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board approved a balanced operating budget for the 2024-25 School Year totaling $180 million. In addition, the Board also approved a capital budget of $31.6 million which includes support for various school renewal projects and the ongoing construction of two new schools, St. Padre Pio Catholic Secondary School in Brantford and Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School in Caledonia.

“As we enter year two of our 2023-27 Strategic Plan, we remain committed to ensuring its goals and priorities are supported by this new balanced budget. Student learning, faith formation, well-being and safety, and mental health remain priorities that our trustees consider essential in creating an engaging teaching and learning environment,” said Chair of the Board, Rick Petrella. “Our Board has a long history of fiscal responsibility and therefore can meet our strategic goals while maintaining a balanced budget, and this year that trend continues. This is also reflected in the fact that our two capital builds; St. Padre Pio Catholic Secondary School and Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School, the Board’s newest capital projects, remain on schedule.”

Once again, the Board has experienced tremendous growth in our student enrolment and is extremely excited to welcome over 475 additional students to our Catholic elementary and secondary schools. This represents an approximate 3.9% increase in enrolment from the prior year with the Board seeing an incredible overall 19.83% increase from 2020-21. This current budget provides additional staffing and supports to ensure that the BHNCDSB tradition of exemplary Catholic education continues.

The complete 2024-25 Budget Report can be accessed on the Board’s website


For more information about this media release please contact:
Superintendent of Business, Cheryl Dalrymple |

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