2024-25 Board Spiritual Theme

This year, our Pastoral Theme is entitled, Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope.

“We must fan the flame of hope that has been given to us.”
 (Letter on the Jubilee Year of Hope, February 11, 2022)

This year, our Pastoral Theme is entitled, Catholic Education: Pilgrims of Hope. Our focus is aligned with the OCSTA Catholic Education Week Theme. As a dedicated faith-filled BHNCDSB Catholic education community, we explore ways to live out Pope Francis’ call for each one of us to be Pilgrims of Hope by honouring human dignity, by caring for creation, by responding to the poverties in our world, by serving in solidarity, and by living as peacemakers.

The five key sub-themes we will explore throughout this year are as follows:

By honouring human dignity

By caring for creation

By responding to the poverties in our world

By serving in solidarity

By living as peacemakers

Prayer for Theme

Hope is our calling, O Lord,

and the destination of our pilgrim journeys.

As we mark this Jubilee Year of hope,

keep our eyes focussed on Jesus,

and on the hope he reveals to us.

All our hope is in you, O God,

in the name of Jesus our Lord and companion.



This year, we will continue to support the faith formation of staff and students by emphasizing the importance of building an interior prayer life, using Scripture to deepen our understanding of our call to live as Pilgrims of Hope, and reaching out to our neighbours in need. Resources and supports dedicated to improving our ability to be Catechists and strengthening home, school and parish relationships will be a focus. Follow #bhnPilgrimsOfHope on social media.

BHNCDSB is hiring for immediate, permanent positions for both uncertified and certified teachers. Virtual interviews are available for your convenience! Looking for a contract... visit our Career webpage to connect and start the conversation.