BHNCDSB Student Survey: Valuing Your Voice
At Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB), we have a vision of creating faith-based communities that inspire life-long learning and service to others. To assist us in achieving this goal, we are launching the BHNCDSB Student Survey: Valuing Your Voice. Aligned with our Multi-year Strategic Plan, collection of this demographic data further helps us to better understand and know the strengths and needs of the learners in our classrooms. The results of the Valuing Your Voice Survey will also assist BHNCDSB in eliminating any systemic discrimination and racism that may be acting as a barrier to providing successful learning environments for all students. Participation in this survey is voluntary and all results are confidential.
The Ministry of Education has mandated this survey for all schools in Ontario. Launch of the survey is set for November 2022. The survey will gather identity-based data so that we have a better understanding of the cultural, social, and demographic diversity of our student population. The Valuing Your Voice Survey will help us better understand our students and determine whether our programs and services are meeting student needs. We will identify any gaps in service that may exist and explore possible opportunities to better serve our students.
All members of the BHNCDSB community are invited to learn more about the Valuing Your Voice Survey at a community information session being held on Wednesday, October 26 at 7pm as part of the Regional Catholic Parent Involvement Committee Meeting (RCPIC).
It is extremely important for all students to share their voice by completing the survey. Please note, once students begin the survey, they can opt out of answering any questions they do not feel comfortable with.
Notice of Collection of Personal Information
- To comply with the Anti-Racism Act in s.7(2), the BHNCDSB is required to conduct a Student Survey with the goal of eliminating systemic racism and advancing racial equity.
- The authority to collect personal information in the Student Survey comes from the Anti-Racism Act (ARA s.6(5)), and the Education Act (265(1)(d), 169.1(1)) in accordance with Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (MFIPPA s.28(2)).
- Personal information collected in the Student Survey will be combined with personal information already held by the Board in our student information system.
- The types of information already collected under the Education Act include student achievement, credit accumulation, graduation rate, suspensions/expulsions, special education services, and academic/extra-curricular program participation. The purpose for combining Student Survey and existing personal data already collected is to meet the requirements of the Anti-Racism Act, which includes research and longitudinal study.
- No program, service or benefit may be withheld because a student does not participate, or refuses to participate, in the BHNCDSB Student Survey.
- Individuals may request access to, or correction of personal information collected in the Student Survey that relates to them. Consent may be withdrawn for further use of your personal information, but withdrawal will not result in changes to analysis and reporting that has already been completed as part of the Student Survey activity.
- If you have questions about the personal information collected in the Student Survey, please contact the BHNCDSB Research Associate at or the BHNCDSB Manager of Communications and Community Relations | Privacy Officer, Tracey Austin at