Career & Pathway Links



Ontario website with skilled trades focus

my Blueprint

All post-secondary option- Board log in

Earn While you learn

Ontario College of Trades developed site- Apprenticeship/ Youth Focus

EDU Factor

Make learning relevant. Resources and tools, based on the Edge Factor Stories to inspire the next generation of makers

An excellent one stop career resource for students, and all those looking to seek career options.

Job Talks 

New site produced in Ontario with Skilled Trades focus

Labour Market site

Ministry of Ontario- recent released


A School to Work program for students to explore and work in apprenticeship occupations starting in Grade 11 or Grade 12 through the Cooperative Education program.

Math Path

“Choose a Path that Includes Math,” an online tool kit that is a comprehensive, user-friendly, and inspiring source of information for Ontario teens and parents who are exploring choices for high school math courses.

BHNCDSB is hiring for immediate, permanent positions for both uncertified and certified teachers. Virtual interviews are available for your convenience! Looking for a contract... visit our Career webpage to connect and start the conversation.