Catholic School Advisory Councils (CSAC)
Each school of the Board has a Catholic School Advisory Council. The Council is made up of parents, teaching staff, non-teaching staff and the school principal. The Council is focused on activities at the school level. For more information and to find out how to become a member, contact your school principal.
Regional Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (RCPIC)
The primary purpose of the Regional Catholic Parent Involvement Committee (RCPIC) meetings is to facilitate dialogue, address issues, seek advice from school councils on matters within the school council mandate and represent the intent of all school councils within the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board (BHNCDSB). The BHNCDSB membership includes a representative from each school council as well as representatives from CPCO, OECTA, OSSTF and the Board of Trustees. The Committee meets three times a year. For more information contact 519-756-6505 Ext. 11266.
Should you have any questions or concerns about the work of the Committee, please email our Regional Council Chair at
Ontario Association of Parents in Catholic Education