Days of Significance

As a Catholic School Board, we recognize that there are many important days specific to individuals/groups, religious and cultural occasions, and celebrations and commemorations. It is important to highlight those days, through communications, in the classroom, the schools, and the district.

Methods of designating special observances include parliamentary, government, and non-governmental initiatives. Parliament holds the authority to pass legislation proclaiming specific days as holidays or officially recognized days. In other cases, it is the government that establishes a national day or observance by way of a proclamation or order in council. The community is then invited to acknowledge these occasions and to educate themselves about the various importance each specific day holds. These occasions are encouraged to be observed in commemoration of an event or to bring public awareness. Most national days, weeks, or months do not have any legal obligations and offer symbolic recognition only, meaning that most days are not deemed legal holidays and are to be recognized by those who choose to participate. With that said, there are recognized days that are legal holidays and collective agreements, or employment contracts may provide for extra days or for days that are to be substituted for those holidays. We have also provided many significant days reflective of our Catholic faith. 

Since there are many special days observed in Canada, and since there is no central authority responsible for them, the days provided should be seen as a useful guide but not a comprehensive list of every special day observed. This list is not meant to be comprehensive of every possible day of recognition or significance. If you discover errors or suggested additions, please email