Tax Direction Information

Support Catholic Education

Help protect and preserve our Catholic education system by ensuring that you are registered as an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter. Like many Catholics, you may be surprised to find out that you are registered as a Public School supporter.

To verify that you are an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter:

1. Check the assessment section of your Tax Bill or Property Assessment Notice
2. Check your Voter Information Card (if it is incorrect, it can be updated at the polling station)

By directing your tax support to the separate school system:

  • You may vote for separate school trustees in municipal elections
  • Your children may attend Catholic elementary schools
  • You show your support for the Catholic school system

Have you moved?

Even if you have been an English Separate (Catholic) School Supporter in the past, the designation DOES NOT follow you when you relocate. Every time you move, it is essential that you register yourself as an English Separate Catholic supporter.

What is an Attestation?

As of 2024, MPAC has enabled individuals who have a mixed household (meaning one tenant/owner is Catholic while another is not) to attest that the non-Catholic individual is providing permission for the ‘Catholic’ individual to direct the residence’s tax to Separate (Catholic) School Support.

In Ontario, the tenant has the right to direct school support.

If you are renting your place of residence, your landlord is the owner (who may or may not be Catholic) and you are the tenant. You can go ahead and direct your support to Separate (Catholic).

Downloadable Form

The Application for Direction of School Support form is available for your convenience online. The downloadable Application for Direction of School Support form can be completed, saved, and submitted:

  • Via email to 
  • Via regular mail to: BHNCDSB Facilities Services, c/o Catholic Education Centre, 322 Fairview Drive, P.O. 217, Brantford, Ontario  N3T 5M8
  • To your school office

Download the Application for Direction of School Support Form

Do Not Have Children in School, Your Tax Direction Still Matters

Catholic ratepayers who no longer have children in school are important to the vitality of our Catholic education system.  School support direction should be made even if you don’t have children currently attending school.  It is an investment in our future and all Catholic ratepayers are partners with Catholic Educators in this investment.

Municipal elections are important to the future of Catholic education and to Catholic families

Your ongoing support of Catholic schools is instrumental in the preservation and enhancement of our system. When you direct your support to the English Separate (Catholic) system, you are sending the government a powerful message.  It says:

  • You support Catholic schools in your community;
  • You want to see Catholic schools continue to exist and flourish;
  • You want equitable resources for your Catholic schools.

Your record of school support is part of an assessment base that also serves other important functions:

  • It is used to determine the number of trustees elected to each Board;
  • It supports the Board`s population projections, which affects funding.

To register, check or change your Direction of School Support Designation, contact 519-756-6505 Ext 10120.

UNLESS you are identified as an English Separate School Supporter…

  • You CANNOT vote for Catholic school Trustees
  • You are NOT counted as a supporter of Catholic Education in Ontario

Show your support by directing your property taxes to the English Separate (Catholic) school system. Please note that English Separate School Supporter means the same as Catholic School Supporter.

If you require assistance filling out the forms, please contact your local Catholic school or call the Catholic Education Centre 519-756-6505 Ext 10120.