Chair Petrella’s Year-end Message to Families

Dear friends, 

As we approach the end of another school year, I want to take a moment to celebrate the many achievements of our students and staff who continue to shape and define the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board. It is through your hard work and dedication that our students flourish both academically and spiritually.

As we come to the end of this school year, I’d like to extend my gratitude for your commitment to Catholic education. Together, the school-home-parish connection provides a strong foundation that contributes to the success of each student.

It has been a busy and productive year and we have started planning the execution of initiatives supporting year two of our 2023 -2027 Multi-Year Strategic Plan. The Board will also approve its budget for 2024 – 2025 with total increases in the Board’s operational budget, over the 2023-24 Revised Budget of nearly $10 million.  This year’s budget supports the Board’s ongoing commitment to providing fiscally responsible expenditures while maintaining effective, efficient, and equitable programs and services, and putting dollars back into our schools, where they count for our students.

Looking ahead, I am excited about the progress of our capital projects, including the construction of St. Padre Pio Catholic Secondary School in Brantford and the upcoming Pope Francis Catholic Elementary School in Haldimand. These initiatives, alongside ongoing capital renewals like the Assumption College School sports field and track, reflect our board’s growth and strength.

Throughout the year, our school communities have gathered for liturgical celebrations, events, meetings, and moments of reflection. Together with parents and parishes, our staff continues to guide and inspire students to embody our Catholic School Graduate Expectations.

I would like to leave you with a quote of reflection from St. Padre Pio.

“You must have boundless faith in the divine goodness, for the victory is absolutely certain.”
 ~ St Padre Pio

On behalf of the Trustees of the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board, I extend our warmest wishes to all for a safe and rejuvenating summer ahead.

Best wishes, 
Rick Petrella | Chair of the Board

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