Register International Students Grades 1 – 8

Our Grades 1 – 8  registration (including our French Immersion Program) is online and easy to use!

Please follow our simple 7 Step Registration Process. Each ‘Step’ will provide you with details about what is required. The actual registration process takes about 20 minutes to complete. You can ‘Save’ anytime and login later to finish or upload required documents. All the information that you have entered will still be there. Just remember to choose the ‘Save’ button before exiting.


  • If you are registering for an elementary school that is not your ‘home school’ (meaning that it is not the Catholic school in your immediate area) please begin the registration process by picking your elementary home school. You will be able to fill out an “Out of Boundary” form during the process.
  • If you are registering for our elementary French Immersion program, please select the French Immersion School closest to your home from the list when using the online registration tool. To learn more about French Immersion visit our French Immersion info page.
  • A Driver’s License cannot be used as proof of address. You will need to provide a utility bill, property tax form, lease agreement, etc. during the registration process.

To register for International Students Grades 1 – 8 (including French Immersion)

    Step 1 - Find your school.

    Which school will my child attend? (Step 1 of the elementary registration process)

    When registering your child for school, the process always begins with registerring at the ‘home school’. Your home school is the Catholic school closest to your residence within a pre-determined boundary.

    We will need to ask you for a bit of information like your home address and if you are choosing a regular or French Immersion program for your child. Once you enter this into the automated ‘school locator’ system, you will be provided with your ‘home’ or ‘closest’ school offering that program.

    This is where all registrations start! (even if you are applying as a Non-Catholic, an Out of Boundary or even Out of Jurisdiction family).

    Please visit the School Eligibility calculator to determine your ‘home’ school.

    Step 2 - Are you Catholic?

    Catholic and Non-Catholic Application Process (Step 2 of the elementary registration process)

    If your child or one parent is baptized Catholic, please proceed to the Bussing Eligibility section of our registration process.

    If your child is not baptized and both parents are non-Catholic, you will be asked to complete the  Non-Catholic Application form as part of your registration process. You are required to meet with the school principal, after you have submitted your online application, and prior to the application decision. For more information please review our policy: Admission of Elementary Students

    Step 3 - Are you eligible for bussing?

    Can My Child Take the Bus? (Step 3 of the elementary registration process)

    Bussing for BHNCDSB students is provided by Student Transportation Services Brant Haldimand Norfolk (STSBHN). STSBHN is a consortium of three School boards providing transportation for eligible students living in Brant, Haldimand, Norfolk counties and the city of Brantford. To find out if your child is eligible for bussing to their ‘home’ school (including their French Immersion home site), please visit the STSBHN eligibility calculator on their website

    Student Transportation Services Brant Haldimand Norfolk
    349 Erie Ave
    Brantford, ON
    N3T 5V3

    Phone: 519-751-7532  |  Toll Free: 1-877-226-6353  |  Fax: 519-751-1536  |  Email:  |  Website:

    Step 4 - Registration options. (Are you new to us and registering or are you already with us and transferring?)

    Online Registration (Step 4 of the elementary registration process)

    We now offer an easy to use online elementary student registration system for families. There are two methods:

    1. Online from home:

    • All registrations for Kindergarten – Grade 8 are completed online. Please visit our Parent Portal to set up an account and register your child.

    2. Online at an elementary school:

    • If you have limited access to a computer or require technical assistance, please visit one of our elementary schools. All elementary schools have devices set up for parents/guardians to use to register their child.

    3. Transfer of Schools

    If your child is an International Student who is already registered with us, and transferring schools, please follow our ‘Transfer School‘ process.

    If you require specific technical assistance with the online process please call 519-756-6505 Ext 13711 or email  Our HelpDesk will be happy to assist.

    Step 5 - What to prepare?

    What Documents Are Required? (Step 5 of the elementary registration process)

    During the registration process you will be asked for information that could be an upload of an image or the filling out of a form. The system will guide you as the information is identified (as required). Documents can be uploaded as an ‘image’ file and can be in the following formats: .jpg, .gif, .png. A quick ‘smart phone’ picture or ‘scan’ will do the trick! If you are not able to upload the required documents, please complete the online registration process and provide the original paper versions to the school as soon as possible. Your child’s registration is not complete until all documents are receive online or at the school.

    We recommend that parents get a head start by preparing electronic versions of the following:

    • Child’s Roman Catholic Baptismal Certificate or one Parent’s RC Baptismal Certificate (NOTE: If you are non-Catholic, but wish to explore a Catholic education for your child(ren) please review the Admission of Students Policy).
    • Proof of Home Address (Utility Statement, Purchase/Rental/Lease Agreement, Bank Document). A Driver’s License cannot be used as proof of address.
    • Child’s Proof of Age and Legal Name (please provide one of the following documents):
    • Birth Certificate
    • Certificate of Canadian Citizenship
    • Certificate of Registration of Birth Abroad
    • Passport
    • Permanent Resident Card
    • Record of Landing
    • Confirmation of Date of Entry into Canada – If Applicable (if the date is within the previous four school years):
    • Permanent Resident Card or;
    • Record of Landing or;
    • Confirmation of Permanent Residence

    There may be other forms that are required to complete the registration process. These forms are normally filled out at the school during a meeting or orientation. The school secretary will notify you if any of the required forms are outstanding.

    • Application for Direction of School Support – only eligible Catholic ratepayers can direct their property tax to ‘Separate’ (Fill out at the school)
    • Catholic School Support Lease – if required (Fill out at the school)
    • Students with Prevalent Medical Conditions – if required (Fill out at the school) For more information about this please see our Policy
    • Student Acceptable Use of Computer Technology Form: JK – Grade 3 (Fill out at the school if applicable)
    • Notice of Collection and Use Personal Information Consent Form (Fill out at the school)
    • Legal Guardianship/Custody Orders/Court Documents (if required)
    Step 6 - Set up your online account.

    Set Up Your Online Account


    • All parents/guardians are asked to set up an online account. This account will link you to your child, enable you to register, enable you to modify online forms and, as our Parent Portal develops, access and modify other information like your address, contact infomation, etc.
    • The email that you use for your account setup MUST be the email on file at the school in the future. If you change your email at the school level, you must use the new email to return to this parent/guardian account.
    • The password you select must be a minimum of five alpha-numeric characters. Best practice for secure passwords recommend that you include upper and lower case letters, a number and a special character in your password.

    To set up an account:

    1. Access the BHNCDSB Parent Portal login screen.
    2. Choose Create an Account. The Create an Account default screen displays.
    3. In the Email field, enter the email that is you main contact email.
    4. In the Phone# field, enter the phone number where you can be easily reached.
    5. In the Password field, enter a password for your account.
    6. In the Confirm Password field, re-enter you secure password.
    7. Choose Create an Account. If you are using a school computer, the Welcome screen displays.
      If you are using a home computer/device, the system will send you an email containing a ‘secure key’. Follow the link in the email and enter the ‘key’ provided in the email. Enter your Email and Password. The Welcome screen displays.
    8. Choose Register a new student. The registration process begins displaying the Student Information tab. Follow through the guided process.

    If you have any technical questions or difficulties during the registration process, please call 519-756-6505 Ext. 711 or email We strive to provide exceptional customer service so you can expect that your communication will be responded to as soon as possible (normally) Monday to Friday 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.

    Step 7 –  Register your child.  CLICK STEP 7 (Register your child.) TO LAUNCH THE ONLINE REGISTRATION TOOL


    French Immersion Program

    Please be aware that there is limited space in our French Immersion Programs and early registration is recommended.

    French Immersion  program is offered at five BHNCDSB locations:

    St. Leo Catholic Elementary (City of Brantford) 519-759-3314
    Madonna Della Libera (City of Brantford) 519-753-5283
    Sacred Heart, Paris (County of Brant) 519-442-4443
    St. Joseph’s Catholic Elementary, Simcoe (Norfolk County) 519-426-0820
    Notre Dame Catholic Elementary, Caledonia (Haldimand County) 905-765-0649

    For detailed information about our French Immersion Programs including school, transportation and questions/answers, visit the ‘French Immersion Program‘ webpage.


    For information and contacts for the Before and After School Childcare programs, visit our ‘Childcare‘ webpage.

    Tax Direction of School Support

    At the time of registration, you will be asked to direct your tax support (regardless of if you rent or own) to ‘Separate’ school support. For details of what this tax support direction means to Catholic school districts in Ontario, how to change your direction of support, and for a copy of the forms please visit our Direction of School Support webpage.

    New to Canada?

    If you are new to Canada, have a school-aged child, and English is not your first language, we can assist you with enrolling your child in school. Our staff will provide student assessment and guidance for English language learners and their families. Please call 519-756-6369 for assistance.



    School bus transportation is available to all students who live more than the distance specified in the Transportation of Students policy.

    School bus route schedules will be communicted to you through Student Transportation Services Brant Haldimand Norfolk. For details, please contact Student Transportation Services of Brant Haldimand Norfolk.