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Treaties Recognition Week

The BHNCDSB recognizes Treaties Recognition Week as an essential part of our ongoing journey toward truth and reconciliation. We are grateful for this week which provides us time to focus on learning and understanding treaties, treaty rights, and responsibilities and acknowledge that our BHNCDSB schools rest on the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe Nations.

Treaties Recognition Week begins on the first Sunday in November each year. This year it runs from November 5-11, 2023.

“Treaties Recognition Week was established in 2016 by the Ontario government to honour these foundational agreements and assist Ontario residents in learning about treaties, treaty rights, and responsibilities.”

“The week beginning on the first Sunday in November in each year is proclaimed as Treaties Recognition Week.”


We recognize the collective treaty rights granted to Indigenous peoples in Ontario through these historical treaties:

  • Upper Canada (1781-1862)
  • Robinson Treaties (1850)
  • Numbered Treaties (1870-1930)
  • Williams Treaties (1923)

BHNCDSB Land Acknowledgement

We acknowledge that the land upon which we gather is the traditional territory of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe Nations.

We recognize that the Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board and its schools have many ties to Six Nations of the Grand River and Mississaugas of the Credit First Nations, situated on the traditional land of the Haudenosaunee and Anishinaabe, within the Two Row Wampum and the One Dish One Spoon Treaty areas.

As a Catholic learning community and as Treaty People ourselves, we strive to build the Kingdom of God; where all people are treated with respect and dignity as we move forward, as allies, towards truth and reconciliation.


Treaties Recognition Week –

Ontario Treaties Infographic

Map of Treaties and Reserves in Ontario

“Indigenous Voices on Treaties” – ontario.caHeritage Minutes: Naskumituwin (Treaty) – Video

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