Vision and Goals of our FSL Programs

The Brant Haldimand Norfolk Catholic District School Board offers two different French Programs at the Elementary level- Core French and French Immersion and two French programs at the Secondary level- Core French and Extended French. Each of these programs differs in intensity but share a common purpose: To develop student’s communication skills in the French language.

The programs teach students to listen, speak, read, and write in French through real-world language opportunities. French as a Second Language also promotes the use of language learning strategies, goal setting and an appreciation of French culture in Canada and in other regions of the world.

Our FSL Programming is guided by the three core priorities set out in A Framework for French as a Second Language in Ontario Schools, Kindergarten to Grade 1-12:

• Increase student confidence, proficiency, and achievement in French as a Second Language (FSL)

• Increase the percentage of students studying FSL until graduation

• Increase student, educator, parent, and community engagement in FSL

These core priorities are at the forefront of our Board commitment to FSL that envisions:

“All students communicating and interacting with growing confidence in French.” 

FSL Framework 

  • “A considerable body of research shows that second-language learning provides significant cognitive and academic benefits. It is known to enhance first-language and overall literacy skills and to provide a foundation for the learning of additional languages. There is also evidence that learning another language can help in the development of interpersonal and social skills.”

Supporting your child’s success in French Immersion and Extended French Elementary:

Feb 13 - Due to inclement weather, all transportation is cancelled and ALL schools and buildings in ALL ZONES (1,2,3,4) are closed to students and staff. All Community Use of School rentals, before and after-school child care programs, after-school activities and night school classes are CANCELLED.